People sometimes ask me why I set up this site.
Not in a negative way but in an interested way. The simple answer is; hes my inspiration. If someones inspired you to a
level where youre aiming to live a dream of show business then you should definitely give something back.
My voluntary
job is to tell people, the World about this actor! And somewhat in doing this, trying to help promote him! The simple fact
is, if it wasnt for Scott, I wouldnt be at Melton College (A well recognised College for Arts) training to be a performer.
I wouldnt have done the rather healthy amount of shows within these past 2-3 years.
This site is simply a dedication
to Scott for the simple inspiring words he said in one single e-mail: "If God has given you a
talent to perform, you must try and do it to the best of your ability."
Thank you Scott! This is my online
dedication to you!
