This is the page for all Scott Davies interviews. Hopefully one
day Scott will agree for me to interview him, that would be amazing!

Click above for a Brilliant interview with Scott
about life as The Phantom & His real life.
'19990916; Evening News (Edinburgh Scotland)
Davies is delighted to don Phantom's mask, he tells Ben Atherton...
THE Phantom of the Opera is coming home to Scotland.
Scottish actor Scott Davies plays the ghoul haunting the Paris Opera House in
the latest touring incarnation of the blockbuster musical which hits Edinburgh this weekend.
"We've done Dublin, Plymouth, Bristol, the gorgeous Birmingham and the even more
gorgeous Liverpool. But I can't wait to get back to God's country, Scotland," he enthuses.' Source
- http://ask.elibrary.com
This is part of a longer interview with Scott, unfortunately the site
doesn't let you see the whole conversation unless you, a) Pay or b) Take up the free trial which is dodgey because it asks
for credit card details. So if anyone has the rest of the interview, Im willing to give you a lolly-pop for it providing you live in the UK!