Scott is a regular performer with West End International
who put on concerts all over UK & Europe. I've been lucky enough to be in the audience for one of these Concerts which
Scott was in and highly reccomend them with or without your favourite artist because they are brilliant!
Below is some
of the Concerts Scott has been involved in with a breif description of what the Concert is about...
Fascinatin' Rythm -
This Concert is a celebration of George Gershwin. Scott performed this Concert in The Netherlands last September.
New York! New York! -
This Concert includes the works of both George Gershwin & Leonard Bernstein. I have no idea of when and where Scott did
this, as in true West End International tradition they didn't advertise the show like many other shows on the their
who knows!
The Best Of The West End -
I believe this Concert used to be called 'West End - The Concert'. This show is basically what it says in the name, songs
from the top West End shows. This Concert is performed on a regular basis.
The World Of Rogers & Hammerstein
- One guess what this ones about?'s various songs from various shows by Rogers & Hammerstein.
This concert has also been performed quite a number of times and Scott seems to be in most of them if not all!
Click 'My Concerts' to see what Concerts I've seen
and my views on them.